Team ECF Newsletter - April 2023


Member of the Month: Twiggy

We would like to announce Twiggy as this April’s member of the month!

 Twiggy is a top character in the Box and has always got a smile on his face, even at the end of the toughest workouts or when he sneaks into class late 😉

Adam has also been super receptive of all coaching, he asks questions and takes on board advice. He has made some solid progress since January and we are excited to see him continue this into the summer. Keep up the discipline Twiggy, well done! 💪

CrossFit for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

Four Friends to Take on Epic Long-Distance Endurance Paddle-Boarding Challenge for Cystic Fibrosis!

On 25th June 2023, four friends - including one of our ECF members: Craig Stanway - will embark on a long-distance endurance paddle-boarding challenge 80 Miles Across the Gulf Stream to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis charities.

Craig and the rest of Team NEON will set off in complete darkness at midnight from Bimini in the bahamas paddling back to mainland Florida, and they expect to be paddling for at least 16 hours before reaching the finish line.

Craig’s best mate, Marc, was born with CF and experienced a lifetime of ill-health and deterioration before recently gaining access to a new ‘wonder drug’ called Trikafta from America that transformed his health. In 2019 his lungs were only 30% effective, but since taking the medication, his health has improved dramatically.

The pair are now determined to help other CF patients from around the world by demonstrating how important this medication is and raising money to support global CF communities.

With the big event approaching on 3rd June, we’re hosting a fitness event called CrossFit for CF to help boost Craig and Marc’s fundraising efforts, we think it’s a great opportunity to bring the community together and to show our support to the team.


Sports Nutrition Seminar - 23rd April

Join us on Sunday 23rd April to learn all about Sports Nutrition at ECF!

Georgina Milward is a PhD candidate and is currently Head of Nutrition at a professional football club.

She will be providing an insight into the basics of sports nutrition and habitual behaviours. Get booked on to learn and have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions with Georgi!


Part Of The Solution - 21-15-09

We have been lucky enough receive a Defib(AED) from ‘Part Of The Solution’, an organisation that supports gyms in helping communities be physically and mentally fit.

To support fundraising for Part Of The Solution and their ongoing efforts to support gyms, we’ll be taking part in their 21-15-09 Rowing Challenge!

More details to come soon, but if you enjoy (or don’t!) a bit of rowing, it’ll be a great way to raise money for an important cause!

Saturday, 20th May -

Team CSC Charity Hike 🥾

Central Staffs CrossFit holds a yearly charity hike, which we would like to invite ECF members to join!

We will be heading to the Peak District, and completing a loop of around ~20km, including Kinder Scout!

This year we are walking for a local charity in Stafford, Katherine House Hospice.

If you would like more information about the event, please contact and we can send out the information pack and camping information.

Book Now:

New Signage and Mats!

We’re pleased to announce our new signage and mats have been installed at ECF!

Special Classes

Hero WODs

At CrossFit, we host a free ‘Hero WOD’ on the last Friday of every month.

These workouts are meant to be a physical and mental challenge, that are an ‘opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices of the fallen – to speak their names and honor their memories’.

All Hero WODs are free and can be booked through BoxMate or TeamUp.

ECF/CSC Community WODs

Our joint Eccleshall CrossFit and Central Staffs CrossFit community sessions are every first Saturday of the month, alternating facilities each month.

These are also free to book on BoxMate or TeamUp!


Team ECF Newsletter - May 2023


Team ECF Newsletter - March 2023